Dear Shep,
You’re officially a card holder. A library card that is. We took the .4 mile drive to the Chelsea Library yesterday for the very first time. I almost left thinking I hadn’t found it, bc I wound up at a little old house. Well wouldn’t you know the little old house was our home town library. I have to admit, I was happy that your first library trip could be so nostalgic and full of creaking wooden floors and the aroma of old books. It didn’t hurt that the little librarian ladies thought you were the best thing that ever happened to their day! Did I mention that they all had precious glasses just as I imagined they would in a place like that? Even one had a chain of pearls attached. But I digress…….
We rented “If You Give A Dog A Donut”, “If You Take A Mouse To The Movies”, “Potato Joe”, and a Baby Einstein DVD for long car rides that promises to teach you your first words. Ah, parenting through electronics. Something I promise to only use in emergency situations. Cross my heart.
I had to end our date with a photo of you on the porch with your loot. Let’s make the library a Wednesday date!
Ps: Our book are due in 14 days. Don’t let me forget!!
Xx Mommy