Dear Shep,
It’s our last day having a 5 month old baby and tomorrow means you are officially halfway to one. That terrifies me. Some days, I feel like we just brought you home. It felt like such a warm and happy place before, but now I realize just how absolutely empty it truly was before you arrived. Your colorful toys, the sounds of The Very Hungry Caterpillar being read, and the diapers I find randomly strewn across the house signify the void that you filled. There is less perfection around here, but so much more laughter, joy, & adventure than ever before. We were surprised by Aunt JoJo last night with some amazing photos that she took from our first family photo shoot this month. You were a pill and decided that you were due for a nap the moment she brought the camera out. Bad timing on my part, but when your baby wont nap in the car and only makes it awake for 1.5 hours at a time, you do what you can. I think your sad face is just as adorable as any other face you make, so we are in love with every single one of them. Thanks for putting up with us!
Xx Mommy